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Geoff Guthrie's picture

A New Day...!

Up early for pre dawn at St Clair Beach in Dunedin, New Zealand.

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Nicely done. I would prefer a tiny bit more detail in the dark shadows on the left, but you didn't completely block them up, which is great.

Hi Phillip. I did think about bring the left further out but but wanted to keep it as it looked with the naked eye. This was about 5.30am.

Great picture!. Could you share how you got such a crisp capture of the moon. I try this type of picture only to either have a blurred out moon, or a moon to small to see.

pano at f11 to f16 should do the trick

Thanks, I will give that go.

great color gradient nice job

Thanks Joseph. It was simply one of those cases of being in the right place at the right time. The South East Coast of NZ does offer some amazing natural colour if you are prepared to get up early.

I’m always eager and ready for early light and of course a nap in the middle of the day haha

When you're up at 4.15am every morning during the week, early starts in the weekend can be a struggle, but usually worth it.

my body has become so accustomed with early rising that i can't sleep in if i try to, it sucks but the best light is early so i don't mind. every day of 4:15 does hurt though

I like this a lot - more than the other post of same subject. I agree with Phillip that I'd like there to be a little more detail to the land portion but it's not a deal breaker! Very nice work on both!