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Rémi Carbonaro's picture

Le Point Sublime.


Traditionally shot with a landscape perspective, the Point Sublime, in the gorges du Verdon is an awe-inspiring point of view of the Verdon canyon.

I wanted to give this picture a sense of scale, so I chose a portrait orientation with a telephoto lens, giving this a sort of alien perspective.

What do you make of it?

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I can see where you are going with the picture. I would see if you could get a little better lighting / exposure on the left side so we can see the details. Thanks for sharing!

Yikes where were you standing? I think not being able to see the tops of the two framing cliffs adds to their height.They could go on forever as far as we know. I like the diagonal opening which gives us a space to look through. I see Shawn's point about more detail, but is that really needed for the mood which to me is threatening or foreboding, a rather dangerous place. Very dramatic image.

I've been there, it's hard to take a good picture of the cliffs themselves. Like Shawn says, it lacks some interesting light, it looks like an unedited raw file, very grey.

The narrow vertical format works very well here for me, Rémi. I'm a bit torn between Shawn's and Frank's views about lightening the darkest rocks a little. I'd probably do so, slightly. In any case, a great shot!

I have an opposite thought (I think) that a little more glow on the right cliff would take this from A to A+ for me. I think that the issue is that there needs to be more contrast between the two cliffs to add more dimension.