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Shawn Mahan's picture

Fog rise over the lake..

Taken on 2 different days. The first picture was during a light fog. I thought I did ok on this one, it captures the mood. I wish I was back there with my coffee enjoying the quiet morning. Of course this place is special to me, so that factors in too. But in the next 3 I was very excited. There was a fairly thick fog and the sun was burning through it making this really great mood and misty glow. I really struggled though. I ran through different apertures, trying to get the sun to not be so blown out. But the scene really changed quickly and even after getting off several shots, either the composition was off or the color / exposure just didn't seem right. I would love to hear how you guys would approach that scene and how I can be a little better prepared next time.

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The atmosphere, with that glow, is immensely appealing in all, in slightly differing ways, Shawn.

For me, the last is the most appealing overall as an image because of the composition, with the boats pointing into the frame (and to the right, unlike in the first).

The best preparation is probably experience. Unless you use HDR, which can create its own problems, you're stuck with the massive contrast if the sun's in frame unless it's VERY weak, but in the second and third I think you make it work just fine for me. I guess I might specifically try f/16 or f/22 in some images to get a sunstar, but not necessarily in all of them.

In terms of getting an overall adequate exposure in such a situation, I'd use aperture priority, and bracket widely and quickly using exposure compensation (e.g. run through five exposures in a row, adjusting by 2/3 stop in between without taking eye from viewfinder). I review in between if there is time, but just shoot, and then delete soon after if conditions are rapidly changing.

Thanks Chris. I have a custom setting for brackets; for some reason I didn't use it that morning. I wish I would have though. Shots 2 and 3 were at 70mm, ISO 100, F4 and F16 respectively. I am thinking the fog prevented a sunstar effect in the 3d pic? I didn't always carry a tripod and I don't think I had one then. I am doing better now, I just need to get lighter gear so I don't feel like I am a pack horse just to head out for a weekend trip.

These are all really nice but the first one is gorgeous! While the forth is technically awesome and I feel like I should like that one the best, something about 1 speaks to me. I agree with Chris about everything else. ;)

Thanks Ruth. I think the 4th pic is missing the hill. The original pic is nothing but fog above the boats. So I cropped down to try to balance the shot a little bit since the left hand boat is so low in the frame (I only cropped down from the top). I appreciate the feedback!

You've over-cropped for my taste, then, Shawn - "nothing but fog" is fine by me! I wouldn't mind that boat being right in the corner of a larger image.

Chris, here is the uncropped...

I wouldn't have cropped at all. In fact I'd like another 20% right and top. A bit crude, but you get the idea, I hope.

Just my "take". I still like yours, Shawn!

Agreed. :)

Chris, I agree,I do like that. I am amazed at how much I have to force myself not to have center lines in my pictures. I got so caught up in camera settings my composition was not good that day!

Well... actually I had an even more extreme version I was a little embarrassed to post:

Remember Weegee: "F/8 and be there".