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Ruth Carll's picture

Bridge in the Woods

Hi All,

I hope this is OK as a landscape even though it is fairly close. This is one of the trail bridges in Tatum Park. This area of New Jersey is marshy and many trails have these. I liked the light here and, as you know, I am trying to look up more. So, after obsessing over the wood grains and moss ;) here is my attempt at the 'big picture'.

Feedback welcome!

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Lovely image Ruth.

There are rare landscape photos with the shallow depth of field, and we have tendency for the primary subject to be in focus. When I have this bridge on the path, I usually stand straight in relation to it and use its sides as leading lines, but it's not a rule.
Wonderful light Ruth!

Thanks Radisa. I'll try that next time I hit the trails! The trouble I had here is that the bridges on the trail are about 20 feet long so the leading lines aren't very leading! :) I will still see if I can make a straight on shot work.

If you come closer, the wider lens, by itself the longer bridge and the leading lines! Keep it up Ruth!