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Mark Seawell's picture

For whom the bell tolls

I'm truly blessed to live in a place of timeless beauty. Yes, I get up and go to work just like everyone else but still I get to feast my eyes on the mountains of the northern Utah and the red rock of the south. Yet, when I see how the land is treated, how the local politicians here in Utah are so hostile to what we have, how the land is constantly attacked and the air quality SO poor, witness the reduction of Bears Ears by 85% by this administration, I do wonder, no that isn't right, I despair. Ansel Adams once said "“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” and he was right. Time is running out to correct the wounds mankind has inflicted on mother earth and she won't wait forever...for whom the bell tolls.

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Love that tantalising glimpse of the majestic mountains, Mark. Your love for this landscape shows in your work repaetedly. This one reminds me of the Japanese tradition of NOT showing a whole garden vista through a window, but only a part, and forcing the viewer to make an effort to see more. (A great deal of effort in this case!)

Mark - this is another top notch piece of work. Again - what really makes this sing (besides the layering which is awesome) is the light. The bright areas in both foreground and background totally work with the dark middle - something I would not have expected. There you go being the Master of Light again!