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Vijay Mewada's picture


Critical comments invited.

A quick break. No time to set the frame. Yet, what one may get is the memory to preserve and share.

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This is an interesting one, Vijay - again, very much in your sombre (and I don't mean depressing) style.

I like the composition, especially your placement of the foreground tree. However, the dark sky is a major distraction for me. It may have even LOOKED like that, but it looks unnatural, as if you've used a polariser and a red filter, or radically altered it in post. I think it is because it just looks unnaturally hard to separate trees from sky. However, that may have been a deliberate creative decision on your part.

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts in making the image; I'm always interested to hear about the creative process of others

Hi Chris, realised what you are saying. reduced the sky tone in second version in comparison.

to provide a dark background and hence the contrast to the tree, had darkened the sky.

Appreciate your review.

That's much better to my eye, Vijay!


Great job in final. I love the composition, B/W, beautiful tones.... very Nicely Done!!

your review is appreciated.

I agree with Chris' comment and this is much better.

@Phillip. Sure, thanks.