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Kjell Vikestad's picture

To pictures, one viewpoint.

I took these to pictures from the same mountaintop, at the same time. I had figured out that on 18th of april, the moon would rise over the mountains at 2015 in east and the sun would set at 2100 at vest over Sognefjord when seen from the mountaintop Synshovden, Vik i sogn, Norway.
I had a fabulous time where I switched from taking picture of the moon and taking pictures of the sunset.
When I'm planning pictures of the sunrise/sunset or the moon, I use an app on my mobile phone. With the app I can make detailed plan where the sun / moon will be, and actually how the scene will look like from where I chose my viewpoint. The app is not made for this purpose, but is made to find names on mountains when you are out hiking. But I have found this app to work excellent for planning nature pictures where the sun or moon is an important part to the picture.

From where I live, it is only 15 min by car, and about 30-40min hiking to the mountaintop. I also got a good exercise with 7kg photo gear in my backpack plus water, chocolate and warm clothes.

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