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Ruth Carll's picture

From the Top

Jeremy Martignago posted a beautiful rose taken from the top and it was so nicely done that it stuck with me. So, while tip toeing through the tulips yesterday, I thought I'd try the same. (Thanks for the inspiration Jeremy!)

I'd love to know if you think this works well and if they are too dark. Thanks!

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These are examples of what I danced around a few weeks ago. There are several ways of separating your subject from the background. One is optical separation because you can control what is in focus or out, The other is in the lighting. Viewers' eyes naturally focus on what is brightest. Both of these techniques are in evidence here.

Thanks Andrew! Looking at everyone's things here is so helpful for applying to my own work. And all the feedback too!

I really like the first picture. The white plays well against the background and I like the added interest the leaf gives. For that picture, I think the dark void works great.
I am thinking the depth of field is too shallow on the second, but I can see how overall it looks like the flower is falling off into nothing.
No 4 is kind of abstract feeling in a way.
Cool pics all around though!

Thanks Shawn! I appreciate your thoughts!

Your work is so lovely.
I get a sense in the first and third of the flower moving and emerging from the background.
I am thinking second is a bit too shallow.