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Peeter Paaver's picture


morning in the middle of nowhere

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WOW, beautiful shot Peeter. The colors are fantastic, love it.

Love this one, Peeter! Interesting subject, good composition. Very striking atmosphere.

The middle of nowhere looks pretty good to me. This is very nice.

Hi Peter. I love this. Nice work taking a fairly monochrome scene and making something so visually interesting. Personally, I would pull back on the vignette a bit but this is personal preference and does not effect the awesome results of your work.

Great job!

Lovely toning Peter - that highlight on the dune really draws your eye through the image.
Brings back memories......

Of Blighty? Maybe it'll look like that soon, but surely not yet!

Ha - global warming has not reached that far North yet.... I spent a year in southern Iran quite a while back

Love this shot, great job Peeter! One of my favorite pictures I've seen posted here recently. It's not often you get to combine desert and sand dunes with mountains--two of my favorite types of landscapes to visit and photograph.

I agree with Ruth that the vignette is a bit heavy for my taste. This is nitpicking, but there's also a white spot (rock reflecting light, perhaps?) just to the right of center near the bottom edge of the frame. I don't think I saw it the first time I looked, but now that I've noticed it my eye keeps coming back to it. I try not to remove things unless they really bother me, so do with that what you will.

Really great work!

Great shot. I don't hear about Iran at all in terms of destinations. I would love to know a little more about the shot and how you ended up there.

I keep coming back to this shot. Perfect! The softness of the dunes againts the craggy mountains, and soft blues and browns. I would crop the bottom a little to eliminate the bright spot and dark left corner. Did not notice at first, but once mentioned, my eye keeps going back.