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Adany Mao's picture

Rays of hope

Novice in photography...Attempt to bring out the first sun rays of the hills.

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This is a pretty good capture. I only have two suggestions. Currently, there is too much of the un-interesting sky. You can crop it out - maybe according to rule of third. The Twigs at the bottom is sort of okay, but IMO it would be better if you could have got rid of them intruding into the frame during composition time.

Thanks for the suggestion Ray. It will help me learn the art. My sole purpose in this group is to learn.

I like this a lot. I also agree with Ray, in that there's too much sky in the shot, and that the image would be better served without the foliage in the foreground. In my opinion, this shot is about the layers of mountains, the softness of the light, and how it all blends together. Too much sky takes away from the focus, which is the mountains, and the busyness of the branches pulls the eyes downward, away from the main subject.

With that though, it is still a very good shot.

Thanks Jeff. I am still learning the theory of photography....composition, exposure and all those stuffs. In the field, I am still at a stage where I am uncertain of what to include in the frame or what to omit from it.

I'm no expert by any means, but when I shoot I'm trying to visualize the end result in my head. Try and go beyond, this is cool I'll photograph it. Instead, when you find something cool, try and visualize what you want the final photo to look like, then include those elements in your composition.

Ah....I can spot one of my mistakes than. Usually, I forget to visualize! I will always remember that...visualize. Thanks again.

Hi Adany, I look at this from a different perspective. As a predominately abstract shooter, I am drooling over the potential here. If this is recent and nearby, it would be really cool if you could take essentially the same shot without the shrubs. Keeping the sky and with the layered mountains - you would have a killer abstract landscape.

Here's a quick play with a screen capture to show what I mean.

You are definitely on the right path either way. If you are a novice - you have great eye!

Hi Ruth, I am equally grateful to you for your words of encouragement and guidance. Thank you very much.

The soft colors are beautiful! I would also crop out the branches and just a wee bit off the sky.

Thank you Marcia.