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Daniel Frost's picture

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

I recently visited a National Park near where I live with the intent of capturing waterfalls. Due to not having any decent ND filters i was restricted to just shooting the ones i could visit before sunrise. The last waterfall in the set i had to use a filter, it was super hazy and lacked detail and contrast. I tried my damnedest to edit the problems away but i couldn't pull a decent image out. Any tips other than buying a decent filter (which i'm going to do) to edit for these problems?

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Nice shots, Daniel. I like the natural processing in the first two and the mood you gave the third. Composition on all three really works for me as well. Exposure blending will give you some punch if it's contrast you need in the photos. Try 5 stops to give yourself more options. Looking at your work, you might already be doing this, so if that's the case, then yeah, just optics and filters is where my mind goes.

Thanks, i actually did some exposure blending and focus stacking for the first one and the last one to expose for the sky. But the last photo had too much direct sunlight glaring at the camera. I use slide nd filters so i couldn't use a lens hood. I did a nine image stack between trying to correct for the sky and focus stacking but the filters failed me.

I used to race motocross in Streetsboro and listened to WMMS to hear when the buzzards came back to Hinkley. :-) I was born and raised in Vienna, just north of Youngstown.

I like the composition in the first one. You've got a wicked shadow or vignette along the left edge of the third, maybe from the edge of your filter holder?

The water in the first two is a little too blue for my taste, but other than that, all the colors look good.

Thanks. Yeah the third was a bit of a disaster i need to get there before sunrise so i can shoot it filterless. On the first two i didn't want to warm it up too much to try to stay true to life. The one in the middle was shot almost an hour before sunrise and the top was just at sunrise but it was well shaded from it by the hills behind me.

Very Nice Daniel! That first one is a show-stopper! I hope its in your portfolio so I can give is some stars!

Thank you! And yes it is.