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Andrew Williams's picture

Carsonia Park Reflections, Reading, PA, 1977

My notes say I took this with Kodak 35 mm Panatomic-X, my Canon FTbn, and a Canon 24mm FD lens. Mostly I remember this trip being an excuse to spend time with my then girlfriend and soon to be wife. In warmer weather, we went onto this large pond/small lake in paddle boats.

It was cold and grey, overcast with day-old snow, with no color whatsoever. Black and white was my default in those days. In this case, it was the right thing to shoot regardless.

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Nice image, Andrew! I think it is quite hard to get mirror-image reflections of trees to look right, despite the popularity of images featuring this motif. Often they just don't work for me. Yours certainly does work for me. Good composition.

I agree with Chris. You did a great job here and this is a lovely image!