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Ruth Carll's picture


These are both Columbine - a beautiful shade plant with a history of both heirloom gardening and fairies. They hang down like bells with point on top. These were both in fairly dense shade in the woods.

Feedback Welcome

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Beauty the second one

Like the first, but love the second, Ruth. I like the stage lighting, with the dark background. You do these well.

I like the compositions, and the choice to shoot a more profile perspective.

This is just a preference thing, but I'm not so big on the super dark background with the bright flower, because I can see a lot of haloing.

Nice work.

Hmmm. I meant to leave some green around the flowers BUT more than would look like haloing. I have to figure out this monitor. I think it is brighter than most. I am guessing when I go to work tomorrow and open this up, it may look darker than it does at home. Do you happen to see the barest silhouette of a second flower in the first one?

On my computer (super bright screen) I could more or less see everything in the background, but it was dark. On my phone (dark screen), the flowers appear to be on a black background, which I actually quite like, as it looks like a rather artistic choice. Which one were you going for?

I have a similar problem with my images, in terms of editing. They look good and well balanced on my pc, but when I get them on my phone they tend to look dark and grungy (especially at night, when my phone switches to night screen mode).

I was going for a black ground with enough 'glow' around them to give the illusion of depth. I find many black background to be very 2 dimensional.

I really appreciate your feedback Jordan!
