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Devesh Tripathi's picture


Views like this are usually associated with Countryside. I happened to spot this view, actually perspective while i was on the road driving. This place is in the middle of a concrete jungle called Washington DC. Share your images that show that, with power of observation we can get good pictures without having to travel and spend extensively.

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there have been many times that i have seen a shot on the side of the road within 20min of home but suddenly stopping is not always an option but i did last week to basically scout a location that was on private property but visible from the road and it is a fine spot indeed ...that spot was a snapshot but this is from 1/4 mile down the road i had to ask permission to get on their property

So...I live in New Jersey. It is hard to look in any direction without setting your eyes on humanity. And then there is our fishing hole. Wedged into the center of town. After work we grab the cameras and poles (so we can say that we are "fishing" when we are really just sitting outside) and relax. So, this is our oasis next door.