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Rhonald Rose's picture


Shots from two different countries (Jasper - Canada, Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates) where I was playing with compositions. The left could be improved a bit (lacked a lens with longer focal length and new to the snow and so I didn't want to risk so much trying to get closer) and the right is better than I expected.

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Hi Rhonald! Nice work! I particularly like the second one. I have suggestions for both but first i want to emphasize that they are overall successful.

Both suggestions are about composition. In the first image, i would have taken this shot first. Then i would have walked to each edge of the field (left and right) and taken another at each side. This viewpoint puts too much empty field in the center. If there was perfect, unbroken snow it might have worked but the weeds just make too much of this image look messy for lack of a better word. I am guessing that there is a cool arc in the treeline on either side that, if lined up toward the mountain, would make an excellent leading line. This could all be off base though since i wasn't there so please take this as suggestions that could be totally wrong!

The second image is better but i think you are standing off center. Two or three steps right would have lined you up perfectly. Not a dealbreaker though. This image still works and i like it a lot.

Good works Rhonald. I hope this feedback doesnt discourage you. It is well intended. I look forward to seeing more from you!


Thank you for your feedbacks Ruth, I really appreciate it. This is called constructive criticism and it's nice to get one.

In the first one, it is a river where I took from and there is a portion of river that still flows (towards my left) and that gives an excellent leading line. Since this is my first time in the snow, and I heard crackling sound under my feet few times, I didn't want to risk it. But yeah, the tree line or the flowing water would have made an excellent leading line. Yeah, the weeds are messy and I walked a while to avoid them before giving up. I will definitely shoot this location this summer or next winter (4 hours drive) and I will try your suggestion and get more brave (but not stupid) to get close to the river.

Yes. I was standing off center in the second one. I don't remember why.

Once again, thank you for your suggestions

I'm glad you stayed safe! I look forward to your summer shot. I have a feeling it is going to be a knockout!

Thanks, yes this place is beautiful in summer and fall.