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Xander Cesari's picture

An Oasis in Infrared at Joshua Tree National Park

I went with some friends out to Joshua Tree, which is always kind of nice cause I can't obsess over photography quite as much and act a bit more like a relaxed tourist. I took the opportunity to shoot a lot of infrared.

These images are shot with a 590nm converted A7iii and a Zeiss 35mm f2.8. I channel swapped the red and blue, added some contrast, and tweaked exposure a bit.

Thoughts on the landscape vs portrait image? Good directions to take the editing?

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Interesting take on a popular subject, Xander! Prefer the landscape; the other could be good too, but the bit of tree at left detracts a little from the composition. Also, in the portrait version, the overlap of the two trees and the disparity between parts in sun and in shadow intrude into the image, more than in the first. You have to deal with what's there, but the mixed lighting makes editing a challenge. I think you've done a good job.

Hey Xander - these are interesting! Im not sure that they are my thing but i still recognise the effort and artistry that went into them. I look forwatd to seeing more from you!

PS - This group will only thrive if everyone participates. I would encourage you to join in the conversation. Critiquing develops our eyes to then critique our own work better and it helps everyone grow. My motto is "the rising tide raises all boats". I encourage everyone to join in helping us all improve. Or - sometimes a "great job" is enough!