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Brian G's picture


Different perspective of the same location. I think 5 seconds was a little long on the exposure but I wanted to get the reflection in the plunge pool.

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Hi Brian. I think this is a much-improved image over your last one. I'd say the 5-second exposure is about right as you have managed to maintain those lovely silky threads in the water throughout.

For me, the image is way over saturated with the greens taking over the image and pulling the eye from the start of the show. I have taken the opportunity to play with the image somewhat and offer something different just to use as a comparison.

As always, any and all decisions should be made to match your own personal preferences and vision for the image, but I often find suggestions from others helping to form the final product myself

The bones of a wonderful image are right there, for me it just needs a bit of fine-tuning.


That is exactly the thing I was struggling with. The greens were very strong but I have difficulty deciding what is too saturated and what is too flat. I was toggling back and forth between SOT and processed and think I got lost at some point:) Thanks so much for the critique.

Sounds good Brian. I think we're all guilty of that. I tend to follow the recommended rule of letting an image lie after processing before revisiting with a fresh eye. It often takes me multiple visits before I get it right

That's great advice!