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Vlad Stetsenko's picture

Is it possible to make more beautiful?

What could be added to this photo that it seemed more interesting?

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Personally, I think you can adjust the crop a bit. I think I can see what you were going with, in terms of the negative space, but I don't feel like it quite works here, because there's a little too much going on towards the left side. This is causing my eyes to be drawn away from the subject.

I could also go either way on the camera angle. Part of me thinks this is OK, but another part of me wants the camera to be more level to the subject.

Other than that, the natural contrast of the subject and the background works rather nicely.

I hope that helps.

well, it's all subjective. Maybe play with color editing? It's a good shot, very cool moth. Do you know what species?

I think there are a number of things you could try with this, especially with cropping. It really depends on what you are after. If your goal is to solely get a picture of the moth you should crop much closer.
However, I personally like the wider angle you have provided and balance between the grasses. This tells more of the story and as Jorden points out the contrast between the moth and the rest of the image provides punch.
The main distraction for me is the one blade of grass that divides the image. I would try removing that, and crop 10% from the top and perhaps 15% from the left.

At the end of the day it has to match your own taste & criteria, so view this purely as a suggestion for something to try.

My thoughts exactly Alan.

Nice work Vlad!