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Brian G's picture

Fade to Night

First effort at time lapse after sunset in a long time. It was a quick out and back to the dam at the lake where I live. I would love to get some critique on exposure, balance, color, etc. I know composition is Meh. I was working more on mechanics of the shot not composition. Thanks in advance!

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I like it, the horizon is well position in the upper third and the colour of the sky and the reflections are nice. The lighting on the grass (lower left) and the flowers pulls your eye away from the horizon and the setting sun. Good job.


colors ar nice but try and bracket as you will lose much of the detail or if you know where your going to be set up an hour ahead of time take shots at different times and blend to keep the details and you will get the best of both worlds

Thanks for the tip. The sky was catching fire so this truly was spur of the moment. I was doing a 3 minute exposure so would tou bracket for say 1, 3 and 5 minutes?

actually much less just to grab the detail especially if there is wind then you can just stack them and use luminosity masks to erase the unwanted bits