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TANAY DAS's picture

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please suggest which one is looking better. I love the colored ones for its tone but the mono version is much more dramatic. Any other editing suggestion is also welcome

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Great image. I really like the dynamic between the human figure and the skyscape here, and the ways the lines in the image both separate and connect them

Personally, I prefer the color version, which has a lot of appeal that is lost in the B&W image. In the color image, the sun sort of anchors the skyscape; but in B&W it almost looks a bit like a hole in the sky. Also (and maybe this is just because I'm unfamiliar with the locality), the item the figure is holding (a net?) seems more confusing in the B&W version; and the rectilinear lines of the landscape (rice fields?) become emphasized in a way that I like less.

I might crop a little tighter at left to eliminate the bush or tree that just looks like a round lump at this distance. I might also crop a little space away from the foreground, but I'm less sure about that.

Thank you for the suggestions. I am going with the colored version