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Eric Thiessen's picture


After a grueling 14 hour drive through the night, Jacob Klaassen and I arrived in Glacier National Park, which hosts some of the most spectacular mountains within the Rookie Mountains. As we arrived, the weather greeted us with sun, cloud, heavy rain and even heavier hail. Yup, welcome to the mountains! After a quality power nap and some grub, we made way to this spot high up in Logan's Pass with fingers crossed for some good light.... Boy oh boy, did the light come. The flood gates opened and the valleys filled with beautiful ambient light and casted its luminance on Bearhat mountain. What an impressive way to start our week long trip!

Thanks for looking!

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I like it, Eric. A beautiful place and a beautiful picture. Perhaps you could highlight the orange light on Bearhat a bit more?

Thanks for the feedback! Funny enough i did try and D&B some light painting more on the mountain, but the direction of the sun and ambient light didnt make sense with more light on the peak. So i just played it safe and more realistic and left it as is :)

I don't know if its just my screen but its all soft for me....
but other then that it's amazing.

You're right haha, I think the jpeg file moved around to much from different uploads, so it lost quality.


nice light Eric just out of curiosity did you make a lens correction the trees on the sides seem to be bending significantly could also look nice as a 16x9 crop....well done