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Ryan Hill's picture

Last light over christchurch

This image has been left on my hard drive for a while now until recently i revisited it in lightroom. When i took it I wasn't that excited and didn't have the 'urge' to rush back and process it as i usually do, but after a while when i came back to it i found myself liking it more and more. I know its not a very strong composition as i was in a rush setting up but i'd love to hear some thoughts!

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You do have some excellent images in your portfolio that are more immediately attention-grabbing, Ryan, but I can see the appeal in this one.

The composition is fine to my eye. Simple, and nothing wrong with that. Overall, the image has a slight sense of gloom, or the bottom half just being too dark. Its strength for me is in the drama of the raking light on the foreground. I'd simply highlight that, as in the appended edit.

Cheers Chris! I’ll have a play a round!