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January Williamson's picture

My first published photo!

I'm honestly surprised my photo made the cut, but I'm glad it did lol ... There was a competition in our small home town magazine that wanted pictures of nature/scenery from our town/county.
I saw a lot of really good pics on their fb page of entries so I was surprised when mine was 1/30 published from the hundreds that they got.
The pic is looking from the top of "Purgatory Mountain" near my house. It was early in the morning and the fog was rising. It's over processed in my opinion, but I was still happy enough to submit it.

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It's somewhat rewarding to have your picture appreciated and judged better in some way than your peers. I submitted shots to a newspaper and they used what I thought was the weakest of my submissions. It helped me reflect that what I see is not necessarily what others will - congratulations, purgatory mountain sounds like a tough place to be.

Thank you! lol ... It's called Purgatory Mt. b/c of a story from the Civil War. My area was popular for Quakers to hide since they didn't believe in war. Some were captured but eventually killed their captor on the mountain. The legend says that his spirit stays in Purgatory on the mountain. ;)

Over-processed? I would tend to agree but it really depends on your artistic vision.
I can see why this may have been chosen - judges often look for creativity that makes images stand out from the crowd. I have had a similar experience.

Congrats on being chosen, hopefully the first of many!

Thank you! :)

Great job, and congratulations. Manipulated or not, it's a very graphic and striking scene, January. Hope you have more experiences like this!

Thanks so much!

It is beautiful and it gives an impression of actually being there. Great start!

Thank you!

Very nice

I don't think this is over-processed. Compared to the hyper-realism that dominated photography until a few years ago, this is subtle af. I love the gentle gradations of green. Bee-yoo-ti-full! The only thing that could improve this is if the trees in the foreground weren't there, but what are you going to do? Nature can be so uncooperative with our aesthetic sensibilities sometimes.