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David Perman's picture

Rushing Water

I spent a lot of time debating if I should use this image at all. All the rocks were covered with small flowers and it looked like a mess. I had to use clone stamp tool and healing tool to clean it up in photoshop. I also wasn't sure about the color grade. Let me know your opinions.

Don't worry about sounding harsh, just say what you really think.

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maybe the one that contained flowers and leaves could be better if cropped or focused on a specific part of it? Maybe removing the annoying ones only and keep the rest would add some variance to this pic? can u upload the original one?

Here's the original.

I think that the scene has potential, David, but the composition lacks something - I'm inclined to say "structure", although it's hard to put into words. The large central rock draws my eye, which then seems to wander a bit randomly. For my taste, a centred subject or focal point is rarely ideal, unless it IS the image - say, a museum artifact on plain background. Depending on what's out of shot, David, I think I might have swung left, to include more of the water rushing towards the rock.

I don't mind the flowers - they suggest spring, and imply movement apart from the water's. The leaves could go.

Here's the best reframing I could manage without cloning on at the left edge. I've increased mid-tone contrast, and fiddled with the colours to emphasise the water's coolness.

BTW your original is square - isn't that cropped then? You seem to have made the image with a Canon EOS camera with 2:3 aspect ratio.