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Idan Livni's picture

Desert rivers

In the summers the desert rivers are empty and aren't flowing with water.
However during this season the fog coming from the sea become the water source of the desert.
In this morning a foggy cloud coming from the west cover the desert mountains from high above you can see the rivers leaving their mark on the ground.

You feedback is appreciated.
Shot using a drone F/11 ISO 100 and an ND filter 1/100

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I think this is an excellent image, Idan. I like the composition, with those rivers leading the eye into the distance.

The technical data can be interesting at times, but in the end it's the image itself that evokes a response. My only suggestion would be to tinker with rotating it anticlockwise slightly. It can be hard to tell if land forms are actually angled, so this image may be true to life, but the impression it gives me is that the drone was not dead horizontal.

Thank you Chris,
Honestly I tried playing around with the horizion and but sadly either side is not aligned since the ground there is not 100% even, but I agree there is some more effort that can be there,

It's the part at the right third of the horizon, in the extreme distance that makes me wonder, Idan. While the peaks on the left seem to form the valley wall, the extreme distant horizon usually looks flat. Unfortunately, Nikon's virtual horizon, which I almost always use to check, is not very accurate. I tend to follow the "If it looks right..." rule.

I wonder whether you have some barrel distortion curving the horizon down at the edges, Idan. Using the above "ruile", what looks about right to me is 0.5 degrees anticlockwise rotation, and +15/100 of correction for barrel distortion on my software, as in this edit.

I adjusted lens correction to remove barrel. Tilted the photo. Increased contrast a touch. Adjusted the blacks n whites.
I have no idea If I prefer mine.