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Elizabeth Yorick's picture

Would this make a good image for a "get well card"?

Hi Guys!!
Long time no see!! I missed you guys!! Last week my husband and I were up at our cabin and I was playing with taking shots of the bees zooming around the flowers. I was thinking this image might work for a "Get Well" type card. But, I'm second guessing myself since that second group is not in focus.

I had been shooting a bee and he flew off so I got this shot. Shot at 1/2000, F/10, ISO 800.

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A very uplifting image, fitting for the purpose, Elizabeth! I agree about the vertical crop. From a practical point of view, it makes a better card too. A landscape format card will tend to splay and collapse if displayed on a shelf as cards tend to be.

I print (uncropped) images on the right hand side of A4 paper, and then folded it makes a very attractive, slightly larger than usual card. Once I've set the margins, I can print further uncropped images very easily. You could standardise on smaller paper.

Thanks Chris!! That helps!


Thanks Eugene!

ANY photograph that you have taken is a good image for a get well card. The thought and effort are the important aspects. A beautiful picture is secondary. Chris's idea of using the right hand side as the back of the card is excellent.

Thanks Arthur for your kind words!!

Agree the crop adds value by creating more of a focused subject and at same time narrowing the shot onto the greater part of focus.

I appreciate all the help. I kept going back and forth on whether to crop the rest out or not. All the feedback helps tremendously. Especially since I've never tried to make a card before. Thanks

Thanks Peter!! I never even thought about that. Luckily my property is clear up in the mountains in a remote area, so I can't get fined. Lol. But your point is well taken about it being a weed and probably not fitting for a get well card. Thanks for your help!

Get well should have calm and comfortable images. This sharp spikes/thorns so does not convey.

Good point Ralph!! I didn't think about the thorns, and the message thereof. I guess that would be better as a "Just because life gives you thorns....." message. I appreciate the help. I certainly wouldn't want thorns when I'm sick!!