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Ian Luyten's picture


I was photographing a rising sun, when I noticed some birds in front of my lens. Since my camera is almost always on rapid-fire, I got multiple frames of the same bird as it traversed the scene. These are 2 alternative composites of that bird.

Very eager to know which one you like the best !

Edit: added a 3th - updated - version

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This is a very cool capture. I think you can improve the photo with some post processing. Try adjusting white balance, exposure, contrast etc.

Thanks !

I experimented a bit in post, I thought it was a good idea to make it a bit cooler. I might revert it though ...

Both are interesting, Ian. I prefer the first; I think this is because the tighter cluster of birds and the shrubbery come closer to forming a symmetrical triangular composition, and therefore more a static image for me. Also, while I don't like being too prescriptive with rules, the four bird images again look a bit stilted, whereas three or five would look "looser" to me. There is an even number in the first, but they look like "many" i.e. I didn't realise the number until I counted after commenting on no. 2. Entirely subjective - interested to hear if anyone agrees at all, thinks this is nonsense... :-)

I find the fairly uniform yellow colour disturbing, personally, as if looking through a filter.

Thanks !

I'm thinking of taking out bird no 2 (counting from L to R), so they add up to 5, and there's more of a pattern that's broken ...

Concerning the colors, it's bothering me also. I thought at first it would be pleasing, but the more I look at it, the more it feels kinda disturbing like you say.

After some meditation, thought and consideration I have conjured up this:
Do you think it is better than the first 2 ?

Yes, Ian! Certainly I prefer the pattern of the birds now, and the overall composition works.

The colour is a bit saturated for me; I often say that, as many people prefer more vivid colours I find lurid. But here in particular, since this is a fairly minimalist image in principle, the colour overpowers the whole image somehow. That's just a very personal subjective reaction. It's better as the hue is less uniform, redder at the bottom, which looks more natural.

My edit probably goes too far, but just provides an alternative "take" closer to my way of seeing things - but it's YOUR image! Follow your heart.

BTW did you change the order of the first two? Or was I disoriented last night??! My comment makes no sense about no. 1 & 2. I hope you got my drift.

thanks !

yes I'm sorry, I changed he order.. I'll change it back right now (just wanted to sort them in rising number of birds) ...

I also tried a little less saturation (yours is quite under saturated to my opinion), It feels not so overdone as my previous one, but I like the warm glow of the sun.

If we were negotiating a deal, we might eventually meet in the middle. However, in this case, y'all do it your way, I'll do it right. Just kidding! ;-)

I do prefer this one so far, Ian.