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Victor Jolley's picture

Dawn sky

Just love the sky in this , tell me if you think it is overdone

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Nice shot! I love how the shaft of light mirrors the long lines of the boat; it makes for a pleasing composition. The clouds are a bit “crispy” but that can be softened .

thanks Alison much appreciated i agree

Beautiful moody image, Victor! Your concept here is inspired. I particularly like the composition, with that "sinking" boat.

The only thing that strikes a slightly discordant note is that the tones don't quite balance (perhaps your "overdone" concern) in that the light falling on the brightest part of the boar seems too bright, and the foreground grass dark. Of course, that's part of the essence of the image - especially the dark foreground - but I'd play around in post until it had the mood, and still looked "right". I don't know if anyone else would share my view. This is all so subjective! You're perfectly free to create a mood, not just echo the reality of the scene.

That's good constructive view point will have another go at it , thanks again

Great image...

I have to ask though, was the sky replaced? There is a halo at the horizon and across the top of the boat.

Bet it wasn't! I get those bloody haloes all the time. Arghh!

Sounds like a job for luminar 4 and its AI sky enhancer/fixer magic gnome powers. :)

haha.. But yeah. I get them sometimes too but not too bad.

No mate original sky just over prossed thanks again