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marius van dyk's picture


Stunning lines ... Standing on ice ... bottom about 2m deep.

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Wow! Amazing, beautiful image, Marius. Wonderfully surreal effect

What's going on here? Are the diagonal lines shadow? And the curved ones at right? Or is this all "over-processing"? ;-)

You're certainly not confined to one style of image, Marius. You're very creative in your vision.

Wonderful photo... I don't know where this is, or exactly what's going on... But I want to take pictures of it myself.

This is stellar! I’m really enjoying all the swirly lines and differing textures.

Love the composition, well done.

Thank you all. Its a river near my house in Montreal that froze ... the swirly lines are the frozen water lines ... the rest are the shadows
This is the color version ... the frozen layer was about 300mm thick but due to the forces its cracking all the time. Standing /sliding on it whilst trying to keep everything steady was tricky .

Hi Marius, My opinion may be a lone and Odd one here. Please ignore if you do not like.
For me there is a lot of chaos and disturbances in the frame. I could not find any purpose or story in the composition. apologies.

Vijay no apologies needed. Like always everybody are entitled to speak their mind. There were 3 natural flow visualizations i wanted to capture
1. The symmetric reflections of the trees
2. The straight shadows (natures barcode system)
3. The swirly frozen water lines...freezing motion.
Just the way the water froze was almost like lava stalling. All i wanted to do was to share this view and let the viewer flow through the photo themself, asking questions explore move around etc.


I like the image, Vijay, but it's good to see dissenting views expressed in a civil manner. Curious that you react that way - but that's art!

Hi Chris, Have started realizing my inclinations. In the flow just shared what I felt.

I guess part of the effort is not only to get sugarcoated CC back when posting but if it can spark more debate and huge reactions then it hits the nail on the head . I accept a neg result is also a good result.