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Anthony Robin's picture

A warm evening in a swamp.

A beautiful walk in the bogs between hills and clouds in the far North West of Scotland. A couple of minutes later everything was dark again and you could feel the cold coming slowly.

If you like my work please, check that out:


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Hi Anthony, the midground and background are amazing, good work. I just wished that rock in the foreground weren't there, especially that white spot that looks like a giant birdpoop.

Ahahaha thanks for your words! I could easily clone it out but it is pretty common to have these kind of moss/stain on the rocks here, so I left it! I'll maybe think about it next time!

Thanks again!

My eye is drawn to the rock a bit much, too, Anthony. I wouldn't have cloned it out - too much of a purist. Also, if you frame up in camera (rather than cropping), I've found that such elements are part of the composition, which can weaken if they're removed.

I'd experiment with toning it down a little to balance the potential conflicts between distraction and compromised composition.

The rock might anchor the image if at the time of shooting it were placed closer to a corner, rather than being centred.

Just my personal reflections, since you're posting here and I assume interested in CC. I like the image as is. Nice and moody. Wonder if I should be pulling out the insect repellent, though... ;-)

Thanks for your opinion! You maybe right! Check my cloned out version!

Beautiful shot. Being in this group I have learned that little details can make a big difference. I zoomed the photo and moved the rock just out of frame. The left side draws me to the lit mountain and the right side draws me down the valley. I agree with Chris in that I wouldn't crop it out but take the emphasis away from rock and clump of grass. Burn it so that it blends into shadow or something like that.

Just did a quick fix, check the pic down here and tell me what you think!

Excellent warmth. I also like the subtle framing of the cloud layer in the background. Well done.

Cheers! Glad you like it!

Lush photo, bird poo and all.

Thanks a lot!

A quick fix!

Cool! Now it leads you down the valley or towards the lit mountain. I have been amazed at how big a difference results from just a slight change in lighting. I want to ride my horse cross country there.

This edit addresses the issue, lacking that distraction factor. However, at the risk of never seeming to be satisfied, Anthony... ;-)

I like the white lichen on the rock per se, and it echoes the background rocks, which adds coherency to the image, so I wouldn't remove it altogether, but rather just de-emphasise it. I was thinking of something like this (I've burnt in the foreground grasses a bit as well to blend it together).

BTW as the original poster you can edit the page, and add images at left. That way we can scroll between edits and compare directly. (Remember you may need to edit the text as well, or it can get confusing for late viewers.)