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Tong Thao's picture

Help with Monitor Calibration Check

So I recently discovered that my monitor was way off and in desperate need of calibration. Without a calibration device, I had to eyeball my monitor calibration. Obviously, that's prone to failure. Can someone with a good calibration on their monitor take a look?

This is what I see with my new calibration, let me know if you see something drastically different. I just want to know if I got it close.

The first image appears reddish orange in the top part of the sky. It actually only really gets golden at the light spot that touches the mountains, but that's rather yellow as well. The image is a tad underexposed and the colors are rather saturated.

The clouds in the second image appears a golden yellow or maybe better described as a golden tan. It really doesn't have any red in it at all except for maybe a hint of red at the very top of the sky. The saturation is enough to make the clouds look thick but is not overdone as in the first image.

I know this isn't going to be a perfect science, I just want to make sure I'm not way off again.

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Yeah this is going to be rough.. but I'll help where I can.

The first image has the red in the sky like you mentioned, like a rust color. The second image has no rust and is a tan (light, de-saturated gold) over the entire image; no rust even at the top, just a darker tan.

What helped me was going thru [ http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/ ]... The menu goes across the top of the site.. It's not ideal (like external hardware) but it helped quite a bit, in my case.

Thanks again Joe. The first image is from my original profile. It looked like the second under that profile. That’s how badly it was off. Sounds like I’m much closer to normal now though as the second image was done after calibration.

I did try the lagom site and to be honest, that was rough 😊. I couldn’t eyeball anything. My final results are kind of a composite from many sources, including lagom.

Very good... and wow, yeah your monitor was pretty far off. Geeze.. heh.. But glad it's pretty much sorted out now. Much better. :)

What I see on my oldish, non-graphics but calibrated monitor matches your descriptions, Tong. My monitor yields good prints without adjusting colour. I tend to lighten the print file by the equivalent of half a stop, but I think that's common because of the difference between a glowing screen versus a printed image only reflecting ambient light. So all in all, I think you're close.

But save up for a Spyder! ;-)

Thanks. I’ve already spent too much on equipment already this year and I would still like a 20mm prime 😁. Hoping this’ll be good enough for a few months.