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Vijay Mewada's picture


Laddakh India. Equally beautiful from sky.
First tour after changing camera system. Besides acclimatisation, the menus too were challenging.

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There are world class photographers on this sight I follow some and see how they got their shots. Then I imitate.


All the images got blurred. I processed in LR. over there its perfectly sharp. what could be the issue?

Shooting through the windows on a jet is difficult to get crisp photo with sharp detail. You may want to try post processing to get the effect you were after. I like the subject matter.

Sure. thanks.

Vijay, mountain range patterns are always intruguing to me... so, fun subject.

What stands out to me is the light... washes out the land. Tough enough to shoot midday on the ground... from the air, challenging. I second William about working on these in post-processing.

If the shots are more for getting used to your new baby... it's always a good day to shoot. :)

Hi Cathleen. got what you are saying. was in ambiguity for the contrast and light wash part. few opinions floated for the same. will revisit again. Thanks.

It's all part of the journey... learning is half the fun for me. :)