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Willy Williams's picture

Night Sky from the Skyline Drive

My first attempt at night sky photography resulted in these shots. Yes, they are a bit noisy due to the fact that they were shot using a M43 camera. That said, I'm not displeased with the results.

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Thank you!

Willy, your stars are far more pinpoint than my very first Milky Way blob of a photo. Pretty darn good start for night stuff.

My usual rants about composition aside... which is probably not the point of you sharing the coolness of a first night shot foray, this is neat stuff. Reminds me I haven't been out playing in the dark in far too long. Sigh!

Thanks, Cathleen! I'm not new to photography in general; just new to night sky photography. I just really liked the way that the Front Royal light pollution interacted with the trees.

That's an acceptable answer. LOL Everything I say may be full of (insert favorite word). As my Zen mind tries to remind me... this works, or not. Which applies to what comes out of my mind/mouth the most. :)