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brian parker's picture

Valley of Mordor

Actually, this is near San Diego, California. The sunset was colorless, except for a 2 minute window. I am pretty new at photography, and any feedback is welcome.

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Neat catch of the light. Each photographer will have a different perspective... personal tastes will differ.

On the technical level there are rules... once understood, those rules may be bent or thrown out to spectacular effect.

You might try playing with color saturations to see how the mood of your shot changes. There are guys around here well-versed in the specifics of lighting. I'm still at the noob stage... playing with sliders until "it looks right."

Other than that smoosh of feedback... I say, keep shooting. Keep reading about photography, asking questions. It's an amazing world... if you can dream the shot, it's there for you to take. :)

Much appreciated Cathleen. I'll keep learning!

Listen to Chris for the details... my niche, encouragement. Haha.

Good image, Brian, especially if you're inexperienced. The shot is nice and moody.

One "issue" is the "flat" light, which is not strongly directional, falling on the scene from the sky. As a result, the form of the hills is not highlighted much, and the lower part, especially at left is a bit too gloomy and ill-defined to hold the eye, which is drawn to that glow in the sky. Nothing you can do about the prevailing light. I've tried lightening the dark areas, and it loses the mood. Perhaps you could've cropped out that dark area, or zoomed in at the time. I've tried cropping your image, though, and your good composition suffers!

Heya Chris... I really value learning how to describe what my gut feels via you all with the technical skills. :)

Thanks, Cathleen!

Great advice Chris! Much appreciated!