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Chris Fowler's picture

Sunset and Moonrise in Santa Monica

These are some pictures I took last October. I was so new to photography, I had rented the wrong lens for my camera (rented a full frame lens for my APSC body) but still made it work. Sony a6000, don't remember the settings now, this was before I started saving the RAW files (oops!).

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Nice shots.

As long as the lens mount works, no problem using a FF lens on a crop sensor camera. Better than using a crop sensor lens on a FF camera, because then you will get a lot of vignetting. Most FF cameras will just reduce the effective resolution of the photo in that case.

For many lens mounts, the best available lenses are the FF lenses, not the APS-C lenses. So if you want a particular focal length range zoom, or particular focal length prime, you may well put a FF lens on your APS-C camera anyway for the better image quality (or even simple lens availability, there are not many APS-C lenses with a max focal length of 300mm or more!)

So at least you got a lens for the right lens mount, that's the most important thing that matters!

Thanks Tim!
I have since invested in more APSC lenses, but I did actually buy one FF lens recently for its unique properties. Since there were no native prime lenses that equated to a FF 35mm, I bought a FF 24mm f2.8 so I could get closer to this standard focal length (24mm x 1.5 crop factor = 36mm) and I've been very happy with the results. A little research goes a long way!