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Jacob Klassen's picture

Last Man Standing

A lone fall colored Cottonwood tree stands by itslef in from of the Eastern Sierra.

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I like the contrast in color and light and dark areas of this.

Nice job as usual, Jacob! I especially like the complementary colour contrast of the tree against the atmospheric blues. Judging from the well-worn-looking paths, not such remote unspoilt territory as some of your images?

Thanks Chris! This was actually a camping spot unfortunately so the terrain was a bit torn up. I usually try to keep my landscapes free of that mess but this tree was so beautiful that I had to get a photo haha

I dig this shot, but I also wonder if it would work even better if the left part from the center of the large bolder on were cropped out. Maybe just my own preference on that composition, but regardless its a super cool shot

I've just tried that, Jeff, because it made sense on reading it. However, on balance, losing the big background peak, and losing the path coming in from the very bottom left corner compromises the image too much in other ways for me.

Love the colours!