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Bryan Carleton's picture

mnt. life

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You may want to look at other photos of mountains and see how the "golden hour rule" is applied.

I went for something less generic and common and I took this at sun rise.

I like the subdued tones, but the lighting on the mountains along with the sky doesn't give much to really look at. Plus there's that small patch on the bottom left corner that keeps pulling my eye down there.

Good start, and i dig the color and tones, but lighting and clouds really are needed in a shot like this

I can see the point of the comments, including your own, Bryan. I think the image DOES have a particular appeal because it's not the generic spectacular raking-light image. I'd be inclined to "lift" it a bit if I were working on it to give it a more etched, crisp look. However, it's not a criticism of your own taste and vision.