So I took a photo of a log on the beach...I did not notice anything until I got home and uploaded my photos to my computer. As I sat and looked at this photo, I started seeing different engravings or images in the log itself...everytime I look at it, I keep finding more...see how many different things you can see! You need to click on the photo to open it up all the way!
Very cool log... What popped out at me was the opening at the bottom center, it looks like a silhouette of a anime characters head looking up and to the left. :)
Joe, did you see the lady looking into a water shed? Or the cowboy boot that also has a look of a horses head or the beavers....there are alot more images in there...
I see an otter's head with his mouth open.
there are alot more...really look at the photo and study it...
in the lower right corner, I see a figure of a person wearing a cowboy hat
the figure of a person i looking into a water container...look at it will see alot more...look at the center from top to will see a cowboy boot at the bottom there is a horses head...