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John Pless's picture

The Patio

wanted to share this photo taken in the Grand Canyon. Sort of a different take on the canyon where I am focused on the narrow view rather than the big picture

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I have two suggestions: One, the water is far too blue. It looks like someone dumped a vat of blue dye in the river above the falls. Two, the foreground gravel detracts from the rest of the photo. Since the subject is the canyon and falls, I would crop off a bit of the foreground, but maybe not all of it. I tried it both ways and I think it looks fine with the left plant still fully visible while cropping out the bulk of the uninteresting ground.

I thought the plant in center was more distracting than the gravel, but then he'd have to retake the picture to omit that. Agree with you on the water, was it a "temperature" setting in PS that gave it a blue tint?

I didn't have to change the color temp to "fix" the water; I just selected the blue and dragged down the saturation. The rest of the image looks fine as far as the color goes.

thanks for the comments, The water looks much more blue here than on my computer. I could take a little off of the bottom but I wanted to leave that plant.. I like the way that Phillip has done the crop. Thanks