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Guy J. Sagi's picture

When Nature Calls

I apologize for this stinky image, but I hope it gifts you a smile (we can all use a few more these days). A 580 EXII triggered by Pocket Wizard lighted the interior. Safety required I could only hit the shutter when a stiff breeze was present (I theorized the slightest spark could touch off the fumes otherwise). This image is the highlight of a cold 10-day assignment and the selfie I bravely took inside despite the inherent danger is a family favorite Christmas card (seriously, wankers the whole lot of them).

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Those were the days when we went to the bathroom outside and ate inside, now.we eat outside and go to the bathroom inside

That's funny. Thank you for commenting on my modest work and I hope you have a glorious evening.

On another note, very well done, beautiful work

Thank you....and I sure hope you have an awesome weekend.