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David Doughty's picture

Tired of Missing Out!!!

Seems like it's never a beautiful foggy morning unless I'm on my way to work. Can't ever happen on a weekend! Well Wednesday I said "not again." Stopped and grabbed this shot making myself late to work in the process. It was worth it. ;)

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You made it to work! That is how dedicated you are. I think I might have felt a cold coming on and called in sick.

Jobs are temporary, photography is eternal. :)

I'm glad you took a chance on it and got the shot, David. Stunning photo!

High praise indeed.

I think you could increase the contrast, generally increase the dynamic range, add some Clarity, and boost the shadows, add a tonal gradient and some careful local adjustments with an exposure Brush, or perhaps dodging and burning, before adding a light vignette to focus the gaze..

Bullshit, actually. Great moody image, David! Well done.

Lol. Great comment Chris. Moody was exactly what I was going for. Thanks. ;)

Very nice work! I know, the best conditions always happen when you're busy with something else...

Nice shot... well worth the tardy slip! :-)

Hi David. Thought of stopping by and later sharing the image were huge. So ams sure some time you would do the smaller things of editing this image for exposure and experimenting with other things.
looking forward. cheers.

Love this. I hate to self promote (I make nothing from it though), but I wrote forecasts for when fog may occur (there is only a minimal chance in Hartsville for the next week) https://www.getoutcast.com/usa/sc/hartsville/photo-fog

You can setup an (email) alert to let you know when fog is likely again.