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Matthew Ross's picture

Desperately Seeking Feedback

I tried a lot of firsts for me in this edit and I'm looking for honest feedback. The location is a 3 image vertical pano, the sky is a replacement (my first sky replacement) 6 image pano, and lots of people have been removed. So how bad is it?

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The stitching looks great! However, the lighting just feels wrong. The foreground is too bright in relation to the sky you placed in there. It seems like there would have been some lights in the town starting to come on instead of how bright the buildings are. The hill in the background feels like the proper illumination then the town just pops up too strong.

The other part is the lack of reflection of the sky in the water. Even if it's not too strong, there should be some luminosity change playing on the water from the sky. How much would be dictated by how dark your foreground is. There is a bit of the town and the boat reflecting, but the sky needs to play into that a little as well.

I would also consider getting rid of some of the buoys (or maybe all of them). They distract from the focal point of the image. You could leave in enough to create a strong leading line to the town, but not so many that you can't help but stare at them.

It has potential to be a great image, but it just feels like a composite that doesn't quite line up yet.

I would add that looking in FULL mode the lighting on the buildings in the center actually look Cut & Paste and unnatural.

I've never tried sky replacement before. I did read that Luminar 4 does a great job at sky replacement

Thanks for the feedback! I thought about the reflection of the sky and ran out of steam/got intimidated. I like the idea of shaping the buoys to create a leading line so i think i will start over completely (minus making that mask again for the sky...) and try both. Then I'll try bringing down the light of the building to be more natural and maybe adding in some lights to the buildings as well. I I don't mind this shot being heavily edited, I'm juat trying to use it as a test for all these wdits that are new to me.

You have "an eye" as the expression goes, Matthew, judging by your portfolio. I'm not at all clear what your aim here is, were you to succeed completely.

Thank you, i appreciate it. The aim here was entirely technical, 1st sky replacement, changing the light of the original to fit with the new sky, things like that. It seems from the feedback i received i was possibly half successful. 😄

Thanks for clarifying that, Matthew.

If you wanted a plausible image after all the manipulation, then I think the radioactive glow of the buidlings against that dimly-lit rock is a give-away for me, whereas you get away with the sky. The point about said sky not reflecting in the water is also valid, to my eye. The boats also seem brightly-lit compared with nearby rock & water.

I guess you'll tell me the last part was unedited, and looked like that in the original! I could be wrong, but these are my impressions. Considering the amount of manipulation that is now commonplace, my eye looks for "fakiness" or processing artifacts, knowing how I can produce these myself.