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Kyle Foreman's picture


I feel like this photo has some potential. The way I've edited it it kind of looks like an old/vintage photo, to me at least. There isn't much difference in these two photos. In one photo I opened up the shadows a little more so there is more detail in the rocks (I think I like it better). I also feel like the sky and water could be a little darker but I'm struggling to achieve it with out making the photo look weird. Maybe it's fine as it is as well. Would you do anything else with this/would you take it in a different direction?

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Kyle, I'm seeing some artefacts in the first image, a halo effect from the post processing, that I'm not seeing in the second image. That aside, all that negative space can work, but I think it needs something extra, perhaps light rays from the Lighthouse; was that a possibility?

Hmmm, I like the idea of light rays. I'd have to try to fake them and add them in.

Easy done Kyle, I'm not a purist. :-)

How about this? Eddie Johnson I also cropped out the rocks at the bottom which I meant to do anyway before uploading. Should I make the light even brighter? I didn't want it to look super fake.

Sorry, Kyle - if not SUPER fake, then...

Looks good to me, although the rays seem to be emanating from the wrong plane, like the light is off of where it should be. I like the rays though. I think it adds some dimension to the clouds.

Look up this tutorial, I've used it a few times but I really like it for B/W It adds a layer of complexity especially when you're not going for ultra smooth skin tone kind of thing. I really have learned a lot from this guy too. There are a lot of his techniques you could use to make this image pop. I like the image a lot FYI, although I'd crop out the rocks on the bottom right, to me they're distracting and my eye goes to them immediately to start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a430Fbwcdlo&t=516s