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Anton Galitch's picture

This month's moonrise

As we wild camped in one of the most scenic camp sites I've ever seen near Saxer Lucke in the Appenzell Alps in Switzerland the moon showed up just a few minutes after sunset.
This was an easy shot, single exposure, ~300mm full frame equivalent and only a couple of meters from the tent.

Shot on Fuji X-T3.

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beautiful shot

Nice! Love those roiling clouds.

Beautiful capture Anton! I knew the moment I saw it we were talking Fuji! I own the X-T2/X-T4..stunning.

great lightweight bodies and lenses, especially good for hiking.

I hope Fuji does the right thing by the X-T3 users and updates AF and the film simulations. I shoot a alot of B&W but I'm absolutely in love with the Classic negative simulation and use it for landscapes and people.