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Edison Wrzosek's picture

Burning Sunset

So this was a TOTALLY unexpected shot I managed to snag after a late afternoon hike... Unexpected because we’ve been getting hit by wildfire smoke again from Washington state :(

There were two layers of clouds, and combined with the smoke, when the sun peaked out between both layers, produced these incredible reflections and colours! And don’t ask where I took this shot from, wasn’t exactly the most relaxing spot I could’ve perched myself in 🥺

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beautiful, nice shot

Thank you, was scary to take it haha!

Very nice EW!

Thank you!

I got a similar shot but with the moon. Yours is better. ;-)

Yours is fantastic! I love the thin strip of cloud intersecting the moon, gives the image a lot of character!

Thanks SO Much Edison!!
However my image is dirty and noisy because it's an exposure compromise. I had to push LRC pretty hard and mask the moon to get what I got. What I should have done was bracket my shots and stack them for an HDR. I did take several shots at different exposures to stack them but not in quick succession and I wasn't happy with the look I got trying to layer them. I might work on this photo some more and just do a composite. When it's your art, anything goes. Right? ;-)