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Manuel Fuentes's picture

Lonely Tree

A lonely tree survive at the "Escorial", a place where the lava from the Llaima volcano configures a lunar landscape

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oh! I am sorry, in the image I had written a description, apart from that it costs me a little to describe in English. The sector is called "el escorial" within the conguillio national park in Chile, on the slopes of the Llaima volcano, this tree makes its way through all the lava that was left from the volcanic eruptions, where there are kilometers of surface that seems to be taken from the Moon.

I like the theme you are trying to present here, the problem I have with the image is that if you did not describe the place in your description, there is nothing in the image to give it any context. Just looking at the image; its just a silhouette of a lonely tree that could be anywhere.

Hi Manuel, nice to see you here! I liked the scene, also the choice for Black and White. I think a little nore crop in the image will emphatize the tree as a subject and also add more drama. Great work!.

Hola Andrés! que tal!!! que gusto verte por acá también!!!, pensé en lo que me decías, pero lo dejé así porque si le pongo una sección áurea le calza al árbol haha...decisiones que uno toma en el momento...un abrazo!!!