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Rhonald Rose's picture

My drive last weekend

I love random drives exploring the rural landscapes of Alberta. They offer such impressive spectacle during cloudy days and sunsets. As I was driving back from Drumheller, enjoying the rural views and sunset, I saw these beautiful colors on both sides of the roads.

Immediately I parked on the side of the road, changed from GF 45-100 to GF 100-200 and start shooting wide open (f/5.6) on both the side of the roads. The colors are beautiful, and I struggled to bring the saturation down in the post-processing. I wish I used my tripod for the sunset picture (reddish one) so that I could have done bracketing to make things more visible.

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1 Comment

See ... This is why I should always bring my camera.

Beautiful photos. I like 3 and 4 the best.