I had searched most of the morning in vain. The world was obscured, the German countryside silent. And just has I about to surrender to this silence it was all made clear to me, beautiful and transparent...the mist of winter.
Lovely subtle image, Mark - the kind you do best. I almost always prefer your German photos to your US ones, perhaps because of the weather & its contribution to the mood of the image. When I saw this, I thought it was something of a return to form for you, before seeing it's from Germany. Not that your recent images have been at all bad, but this one resonates more for me.
Lovely subtle image, Mark - the kind you do best. I almost always prefer your German photos to your US ones, perhaps because of the weather & its contribution to the mood of the image. When I saw this, I thought it was something of a return to form for you, before seeing it's from Germany. Not that your recent images have been at all bad, but this one resonates more for me.