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TANAY DAS's picture

Help required with editing

There was a diffused light from the side of the frame. I think it can be enhanced to create that effect. Any help or specific tutorial to enhance such effect will be very helpful.

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It can be achieved with soft brushed dodging and burning layers and you can add some tint to it via color overlay with soft brush & low opacity.

I think it's beautiful as it is, Tanay! The "diffused light from the side" is already evident, and makes the image. There is a wonderful mood about this image. Love it!

It would be easy to make it worse, so I've risked exactly that, trying my version of what you wanted to achieve. I've increased the brightness on the right, to suggest where the light is coming from, slighly increased exposure and contrast in the more brightly lit centre, and finally decreased clarity on the right, to keep the misty feel. I've kept the changes subtle, so I don't know if they'll even be clear.

I'm not sure it's any improvement.

Thank you Chris, I think I have to play a little with the contrast. Thanks for pointing it out.

Tanay, I would be very proud to put up a big print of your posted image framed on a wall if it were mine. I really do like it a lot as is.

Hahahaha. Thank you chris for the appreciation it really means a lot. I was thinking to print this large. Your comment just did what was needed, a little push.

Don't mess with it any more, Tanay, and yes print it LARGE!

Yes Chris, I have decided to keep it simple.

Hi Tanay,
you had asked for tutorial help. This may help. He is memeber in FS too.

Thank you so much Vijay. This will really help

Very moody and inspiring landscape .I have mixed feelings about the things you could do to this great shot ,it depends on if you like the realism approach which you have captured or the Hyper Real approach which I myself think doesn't work for this image .

Please feel free to tell me

Instead of me talking about how I see your image you need to look at it and tell me the good and the not so good .I have taught photography to groups and individuals and the last thing I like is telling you what I think is good ! . You are the photographer and clearly you do have a good eye and great locations to photograph . So tell me what you see in this image .

I will explain how the scene was. There was a diffused light coming from the right and hitting the middle part of the picture along with snow. So the effect was on the whole image. What I think is that the light leak from the right could have been better but I dont have the exact skills to represent it.

What you describe here, Tanay, is exactly what I was trying to emphasise in my edit, but only because you asked for ideas, not because I felt as if it needed any change at all.

The light falling on the middle of the scene in the foreground can be increased , the right and left of the image can also be treated similarly by going to the sliders on the tone options .This is the most strait forward change you can make. It might be worth having a play with all of your options before doing layers. Videos on you tube might help depending on you image editing preferences. When you are happy stand back from the screen and see what you think . As Chris Jablonski has pointed out you need to experiment and best of luck