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TANAY DAS's picture

Overall critique required

This is enhanced version the photo that I have uploaded. The photo is clicked at 450mm so it was not possible to avoid the foreground, any idea how I can improve that.

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RAW file

I'm not sure that you need to avoid the foreground. It's obvious that you were shooting through a long lens, so the compression of the foreground is understood. I like the overall framing, but I might try to throw some more light on the snow field and the rocks behind. I like the shot.

Thank you darin. I will try this

Tanay, again I think your moody posted image is fine as is. The dark foreground and obscure distance add to the brooding atmosphere which makes the image powerful in the first place.

By the way, as original poster you can edit the left column, not just post here under comments like other viewers. So you can put the RAW or, say any later edits of yours, under the main image. Just remember to edit the text if necessary as well when doing so.

I think you get better resolution on the left - your RAW file on the right is posted at 223 KB and the image at left at 583 KB.

Sure I am doing it.

The major issue I am seeing is the top of the mountain is not visible, otherwise the processing here is dramatic and good.

The too was covered with clouds..

For me, the fact that the top is lost in the clouds adds to the mystery of the photo. I like it this way.